
    pay as you go

    If you want to book an annual contract, please fill in at 'Parking period starts' the date & time of the first time you want to park your car and at 'Parking period ends' the same date & time a year later. After you finished the submission, the reservation system will allow you to put in other dates & times for collections & deliveries of your car.

    Parking period start
    Requiered meetingtime at the airport (not the departure time)
    Parking period end
    Arrival at the airport by plane
    Dual contract

    If you want to book a so-called 'open ticket', because you don't have a return flight booked yet, please fill in an estimated date & time. This will still allow you to keep your reservation open ended.

    In case your reservation concerns an open ticket without a final return date, please consider the price as an indication. On your return we will only charge you for the actual amount of days your car has stayed with us, according to our price list.

    If you want to book an annual contract, please fill in at 'Parking period starts' the date & time of the first time you want to park your car and at 'Parking period ends' the same date & time a year later. After you finished the submission, the reservation system will allow you to put in other dates & times for collections & deliveries of your car.